How to Sell Past Clients


We always recommend including Papermotion as part of your packages or selling it pre-event. However sometimes that isn’t possible and some of our partners have had success selling Papermotion to past clients and we have learned some helpful tips on what works well when doing this. 

Social Media Post

If you are active on social media then posting a marketing video can be very effective at driving past clients to purchase. We have found that this works well for Partners that have at least 500+ followers.

Here are some examples of facebook and instagram posts that worked well at generating sales for Partners...


“I’ve gotten quite a few clients who want one so that’s why I went ahead and ordered more quickly as many of them have already paid for it and I told them I’d get them out ASAP” 

Humming Meadow Productions 


“My clients are LOVING these things and it just adds a whole new element to my business.  If you guys ever need anything in the future just reach on out. Also I just placed an order for 10 more!”

Benz Productions

We provide some marketing video resources you can use or remix with your own footage. Check them out here…

Email, Anniversaries, and Holidays

Sending out a well timed email to past clients is another good idea. During the holidays people are always looking for personalized and thoughtful gifts and Papermotion is perfect. If you offer family, bar mitzvah and birthday services it can also be a nice way to remind clients of that. You can offer a promotion like…

  • Get a Free Papermotion when you book your next event. 

  • Parent and Grandparent Gift Pack Discounts

A couple weeks before wedding anniversaries is another good time to reach out to past clients. Husbands in particular are often looking for a good last minute anniversary gift and a Papermotion can be just the ticket.

One of our Partners Peter Scheibner from P.S. Photography and Cinematography created a great After Effects project to quickly and easily create custom marketing videos and he emails them to his clients. 

If you want to do something similar, you can download the AE project from the Papermotion Partner Marketing Assets. In this five minute video below Peter walks you through how to use this After Effects project if you want to do something similar…

We love hearing new ways our Partners are using Papermotion or if you have a topic you want us to cover please email us at

patrick buckley